Covid-19 patients can now be treated globally with new AI tool!

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) results from infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Infected people usually suffer mild to moderate respiratory illnesses and recover without requiring treatment. Others, however, will develop serious illnesses and require medical treatment. Serious illnesses are more likely to develop in older people and those with underlying medical conditions like diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer. COVID-19 can infect people of any age and cause serious illnesses or death.
Educating yourself about the disease and how it spreads is the best way to prevent and slow down transmission. You can prevent infection by keeping a distance of at least 1 meter from others, wearing a mask that fits properly, and frequently washing your hands with alcohol-based lotion. Follow local guidelines and get vaccinated when it is time.
When someone coughs, sneezes, speaks, sings or breathes, small liquid particles spread the virus. Droplets and aerosols of various sizes spread the virus. The best way to practice respiratory etiquette is to cough into your elbow, and if you feel ill, stay home and self-isolate until you feel better.
Researchers from across the world have developed a tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict how much oxygen a Covid-19 patient will need during hospital admissions.
Several hospitals across five continents were used to test the AI tool’s accuracy.
It was found to be 95 percent sensitive and 88 percent specific in predicting whether oxygen would be needed within 24 hours of patient arrival in an emergency department.

In a study published Thursday in the journal Nature Medicine, research outcomes from around 10,000 patients with Covid-19 were analyzed.
Using federated learning, experts analysed chest radiographs and electronic health data from patients with symptoms of Covid-19.
As a means of maintaining strict patient confidentiality, all patient data has been anonymized and given a unique algorithm within each hospital. No data has been shared or left the hospital.
A machine learning algorithm was developed from the data and the analysis was used to construct the AI tool.
“Federated learning has transformative power to bring AI innovation to the clinical workflow,” said Professor Fiona Gilbert, from the University of Cambridge in the UK, who led the study.

“Usually in AI development, when you create an algorithm on one hospital’s data, it doesn”t work well at any other hospital,” said study first author Ittai Dayan, from Mass General Bingham in the US.
Researchers constructed a generalizable model using objective, multimodal data from different continents in order to help frontline clinicians around the world.
In just two weeks of AI ‘learning,’ this study successfully predicted high-quality results from collaborations in North and South America, Europe, and Asia.
“Federated Learning allowed researchers to collaborate and set a new standard for what we can do globally, using the power of AI,” said Mona G Flores, Global Head for Medical AI at healthcare technology company NVIDIA.
“This will advance AI not just for healthcare but across all industries looking to build robust models without sacrificing privacy,” Flores said.
Validation on AI tool.

The verification and validation procedures were performed by two immunologists who are independent of each other. Each trial and publication has been manually evaluated and verified. According to this analysis, recall (the number of positive predictions made by the tools out of all the positive examples in the dataset), precision (the number of predictions that pertain to the positive class) and F1 score (one score that allows both precision and recall to be taken into consideration) were evaluated.
Coronavirus can be treated
A fever, coughing, and breathing problems are the most common symptoms of COVID-19. The symptoms of a cold or the flu can usually be treated at home unless they are severe. COVID-19 is usually treated at home, rather than in a hospital. Make an appointment with your doctor to determine whether you need medical care at home or in person.
New medicines are being developed and existing drugs are being tested to see if they can treat COVID-19.